BrendGlobal DC | ColorЧёрный | Country of registration of the brandЯпония |
Weight (g)76,2 | Габариты, мм89,7х53х20,56 | Дисплей2,4 дюйма |
Источник питанияЛитиевая аккумуляторная батарея | Поддерживаемые карты памятиSD | Тип фотоаппаратаЦифровой компакт |
NeinGrenze 5000T Camera is designed to create photos with a miniature effect. Cameras with "Tilt-Shift" effect are a special type of cameras that allow you to control the focal plane and perspective of the image. They are used to create a miniature effect or to correct perspective in architectural photography.
The main element of such cameras is the lens that creates the "miniature" effect. Lens shift allows for perspective correction, which is particularly useful when photographing buildings or other objects from a height. Usually, expensive lenses and complex settings are used to achieve this effect, but NeinGrenze 5000T helps to easily achieve unique photos without any additional equipment.
This tiny 5-megapixel pocket camera has a true tilt-shift lens for creating the depth of field necessary for objects in the photo to look like tiny toy models. It also has a lo-fi camera and obscure effects, as well as sepia, monochrome, and vibrant color settings. It also allows for recording VGA video clips at a rate of 15 frames per second.
Brand: NeinGrenze.
Country of brand registration: Japan.
Brend | Global DC |
Color | Чёрный |
Country of registration of the brand | Япония |
Weight (g) | 76,2 |
Габариты, мм | 89,7х53х20,56 |
Дисплей | 2,4 дюйма |
Источник питания | Литиевая аккумуляторная батарея |
Поддерживаемые карты памяти | SD |
Тип фотоаппарата | Цифровой компакт |
Цифровой Zoom | 8-кратный |
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