ColorРазные цвета | Country of registration of the brandМексика | GenderДля девочек |
TypeПитомец LOL | Возрастная группаОт 6 лет | МатериалПластик |
ПерсонажиLol | СonditionНовое |
L.O.L. Surprise Fuzzy Pets Set
Fuzzy surprise pets have received a fuzzy makeover.
Unbox the updated shampoo bottle packaging to find 7 surprises:
- Magic mirror
- Secret message
- Bottle
- Scoop
- Fashion accessory
- Outfit
- L.O.L. Unexpected fuzzy pet covered in soft fuzz
The shampoo bottle transforms into a bath to wash off the fuzz from your pet and slowly reveal the animal underneath.
Collect several identical pets, keep one fuzzy and wash off one - or even create a funny pattern in the fuzz. The shampoo bottle packaging can also serve as a purse and playset. Add water to the L.O.L. Surprise fuzzy pet to reveal a water surprise, including color change.
Collect all the adorable new pets and surprises with L.O.L. Surprise fuzzy pets.
Styles may vary.
For children aged 6 years and older.
Color | Разные цвета |
Country of registration of the brand | Мексика |
Gender | Для девочек |
Type | Питомец LOL |
Возрастная группа | От 6 лет |
Материал | Пластик |
Персонажи | Lol |
Сondition | Новое |
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