Weapon optics
9 products- Home
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- Weapon optics
Alcoholic drinks and food
Alcoholic drinks and food
Alcoholic drinks
Alcoholic drinks
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- Show All
Alcoholic drinks
Gifts and souvenirs
Gifts and souvenirs
Military ammunition and accessories
Military ammunition and accessories
Accessories and gun care
Accessories and gun care
- AirSoft
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Accessories and gun care
Tactical equipment
Tactical equipment
- Army flasks
- Body armor
- Hard hats and helmets
- Headphones for shooting
- Holsters
- Means for masking
- Plates for body armor (Armor plates)
- Tactical backpacks
- Tactical glasses
- Tactical gloves
- Tactical knee pads and elbow pads
- Tactical pens
- Tactical tool
- Unloading vests and belts
- Vіyskovі bags and pіdbags
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Tactical and military clothing
Tactical and military clothing
Tactical footwear
Tactical footwear
- Weapon optics
- Аксессуары для оружия
Пневматическое оружие
Пневматическое оружие
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Computers and Laptops
Computers and Laptops
- Computers
- Notebook
- Screens
- Tablets
- Network hardware
Components for computers
Components for computers
Components for laptop
Components for laptop
- Products for gamers
Electronics accessories
Electronics accessories
Office equipment
Office equipment
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Smartphones, TV and Electronics
Smartphones, TV and Electronics
- Cables and adapters
- E-books
- Smart watch
- Phones and smartphones
Accessories for phones and smartphones
Accessories for phones and smartphones
- TV sets IPS, TFT, LCD, OLED, QLED, LED, Plasma
- Audio technica
Photo, video of the accessories
Photo, video of the accessories
Headphones and accessories
Headphones and accessories
- TV sets accessories
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Household appliances, interior
Household appliances, interior
Kitchen appliances
Kitchen appliances
- Accessories for kitchen appliances
- Apparatus for carbonation
- Blenders
- Bread makers
- Coffee grinders
- Coffee makers
- Dryers for vegetables and fruits
- Egg cookers
- Electric kettles
- Electric ovens
- Food processors
- Frothers
- Fryers
- Grills and electric barbecues
- Household vacuum sealers
- Hydrogen water generators
- Ice cream makers
- Juicers
- Kitchen Scales
- Marinaters
- Microwaves
- Mixers
- Multicookers
- Multifurnaces and aerogrills
- Pancake makers
- Sandwiches and waffle makers
- Slicers
- Steamers
- Tabletop electric stoves
- Toasters
- Water coolers
- Yogurt makers
- Other small equipment
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Small household appliances
Small household appliances
- Beauty, health, care
Home care and clothing products
Home care and clothing products
- Vacuum cleaners
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- Large home appliances
Climatic appliance
Climatic appliance
- Instrumentation
- Accessories for large appliances
- Special chemicals
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Kitchen appliances
Household products
Household products
Home decor
Home decor
- Artificial flowers
- Candles for home
- Candlesticks
- Caskets, cases, chests
- Decorative boxes
- Decorative cats
- Decorative plates
- Door stopper
- Feng Shui
- Figurines
Fragrances for the home
Fragrances for the home
- Interior stickers
- Jewelry
- Magnetic boards
- Paintings
- Photo albums
- Photo frames
- Trees of happiness
- Vases
- Wall decor
- Wall key holders
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Home textiles
Home textiles
Кухонные принадлежности
Кухонные принадлежности
- Аксессуары для мытья посуды
- Аксессуары для обработки мяса
- Дуршлаги и сито
- Зажигалки для кухни
- Измельчители, прессы
- Кондитерские принадлежности
- Консервные ножи и ключи
- Кухонные наборы
- Кухонные таймеры
- Лапшерезки и машинки для теста
- Мерная посуда
- Миски и емкости для смешивания
- Овощечистки
- Отделители косточек
- Поварские лопатки, ложки, вилки
- Подставки, держатели
- Принадлежности для приготовления суши
- Прихватки и подставки для посуды
- Разделочные доски
- Ручные соковыжималки
- Ступки
- Сушилки для зелени
- Сушки и органайзеры для посуды
- Терки, овощерезки
- Термометры и щупы
- Формы
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Ножи, ножницы, топорики
Ножи, ножницы, топорики
- Посуда для бара и барный инвентарь
- Посуда для детей
Посуда для духовок и микроволновок
Посуда для духовок и микроволновок
Посуда для чая и кофе
Посуда для чая и кофе
- Приготовление пищи
- Сервировка стола
- Хранение продуктов
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Кухонные принадлежности
Household chemicals
Household chemicals
Средства для мытья посуды
Средства для мытья посуды
Средства для стирки
Средства для стирки
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Средства для мытья посуды
Наручные и карманные часы
Наручные и карманные часы
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Наручные и карманные часы
- Show All
Home decor
Tools and auto products
Tools and auto products
Auto and motorcycle
Auto and motorcycle
Auto accessories
Auto accessories
Auto parts
Auto parts
- Autofilters
- Automotive fasteners
- Automotive sensors
- Braking system
- Car air conditioning system
- Car body
- Car suspension
- Electrician
- Engine cooling system
- Exhaust systems
- Fuel system
- Gaskets and seals
- Ignition system
- Spare parts for engine
- Steering control
- Transmission and connection of the car
- Show All
- Autochemistry
Car audio
Car audio
- Car care
Car exterior
Car exterior
- Car interior
Car light
Car light
- Additional headlights
- Autolamps
- Car lamp cartridges
- Contour and dimensional lights
- Daytime running lights
- Decorative lighting of the car
- Fog lights
- Headlight lenses
- Headlights
- Headlights of the main world
- Light icons and logos
- Rear lights of trailers
- Reflectors and flashing beacons
- Spare glass for trailer lights
- Xenon
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- Equipment for service stations
- Motorcycle accessories
- Motorcycle products
Tires and wheels
Tires and wheels
- Show All
Auto accessories
Automotive electronics
Automotive electronics
Parking systems
Parking systems
- Show All
Parking systems
Tools and equipment
Tools and equipment
- Equipment
Measuring and marking tool
Measuring and marking tool
- Power tool
- Tools
Запчасти для электро и бензоинструмента
Запчасти для электро и бензоинструмента
Ручной инструмент
Ручной инструмент
- Электромонтажное оборудование
- Электромонтажный инструмент
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- Спецтехника
- Show All
Auto and motorcycle
Plumbing and repair
Plumbing and repair
- Lighting
Plumbing and bathroom furniture
Plumbing and bathroom furniture
Filters for water
Filters for water
- Kitchen faucets
- Смесители
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- Show All
- Dacha, garden, vegetable garden
Sports and hobbies
Sports and hobbies
Active recreation, tourism and hobbies
Active recreation, tourism and hobbies
Accessories for outdoor activities and tourism
Accessories for outdoor activities and tourism
- Fishing
Knives and multi-tools
Knives and multi-tools
Radio-controlled models
Radio-controlled models
Tourism and camping
Tourism and camping
- Оптические приборы
- Рации
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Accessories for outdoor activities and tourism
- Equestrian sport
Musical instruments and equipment
Musical instruments and equipment
Sports goods
Sports goods
- Bicycles and accessories
Boxing and martial arts
Boxing and martial arts
- Dietary supplements
Electric transport
Electric transport
- Fitness bracelets
Sports accessories
Sports accessories
Sports nutrition accessories
Sports nutrition accessories
Swimming pool and aquafitness
Swimming pool and aquafitness
- Team sports
- Trainers and sports equipment
- Winter sports
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- Show All
Active recreation, tourism and hobbies
Clothes, shoes and accessories
Clothes, shoes and accessories
- Все для пляжа
- Карнавальные костюмы
- Мужская одежда, обувь и аксессуары
- Children's clothing
- Женская одежда, обувь и аксессуары
Одежда для женщин
Одежда для женщин
- Женская верхняя одежда
- Женская горнолыжная одежда
- Женская ночная и домашняя одежда
- Женская спортивная одежда
- Женские блузы и рубашки
- Женские джинсы, брюки, шорты
- Женские комбинезоны и полукомбинезоны
- Женские костюмы и жакеты
- Женские кофты, свитера и кардиганы
- Женские платья, сарафаны и юбки
- Женские футболки и майки
- Женские чулочно-носочные изделия
- Купальники и пляжная одежда
- Нижнее белье для женщин
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- Одежда для мужчин
- Одежда для охотников и рыболовов
- Спецодежда
- Термобелье
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- Одежда и обувь для спорта
- Одежда, обувь и аксессуары для детей
Сумки и аксессуары
Сумки и аксессуары
- Бижутерия
- Женские аксессуары
- Зонты
- Кошельки и портмоне
- Мужские аксессуары
- Ремни и пояса
- Солнцезащитные очки
Сумки и рюкзаки
Сумки и рюкзаки
Шапки, шарфы и перчатки
Шапки, шарфы и перчатки
- Show All
- Украшения
- Show All
Health and beauty
Health and beauty
- Condoms and lubricants
Cosmetics and perfumery
Cosmetics and perfumery
False hair
False hair
Hair accessories
Hair accessories
- Intimate goods
Makeup accessories
Makeup accessories
- Manicure tools
- Show All
Goods for kids
Goods for kids
Children's room
Children's room
For the little ones
For the little ones
- Bathing and hygiene
Nutrition and feeding
Nutrition and feeding
Toys for kids, development, entertainment
Toys for kids, development, entertainment
- Show All
- For young fashionistas
- High tech toys
- Hygiene and child care
Kids toys
Kids toys
- Beach, sandbox and bath toys
Cars, vehicle models and weapons
Cars, vehicle models and weapons
- Children's constructors
- Development and creativity
- Magic wands
- Robotics
Soft toys, figurines, dolls
Soft toys, figurines, dolls
- Spinners
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- Optical devices for children
Strollers and car seats
Strollers and car seats
- Toothbrushes for children
- Walks and outdoor activities
- Show All
Children's room
Pet supplies
Pet supplies
Office, school, books
Office, school, books
- Бумажная продукция
Школьные принадлежности и творчество
Школьные принадлежности и творчество
- Show All
- Show All
- All products
-29 %19,750грн
27,650грн -
-29 %44,950грн
62,930грн -
-13 %6,899грн
7,900грн -
-29 %19,750грн
27,850грн -
-29 %12,150грн
17,150грн -
-20 %39,450грн
49,430грн -
-29 %19,100грн
26,740грн -
-23 %7,688грн
10,000грн -
Weapon optics is electronic equipment that allows you to enlarge the image, improve the quality of the image and ensure the accuracy of weapon aiming. It is commonly used on firearms such as carbines, rifles, and pistols to improve shooting accuracy.
Such optics can contain various types of sights, including optical, electronic and combination sights. Optical sights use a lens system to magnify the image and improve shooting accuracy. Electronic sights use the technology of displaying the image on the screen, which allows you to display additional information, such as the distance to the target, temperature and other parameters. Combined sights combine both optical and electronic technologies.
Optics are an integral part of military equipment and are used in combat conditions, as well as on the training ground for military personnel. It allows you to ensure the accuracy of shooting at different distances and in different lighting conditions, which makes it an important part of the military arsenal.